
Investors > Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Boreo Plc (“Boreo” or “the Company”) is a public limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Finland with its shares listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. The parent company Boreo Plc and its subsidiaries form the Boreo Group. The highest decision-making power is exercised by the shareholders at the General Meeting. Company management is the responsibility of the Board of Directors and its Committees and Boreo’s CEO.

Boreo complies with the Limited Liability Companies Act of Finland and other regulations concerning public listed companies, the rules and guidelines of Nasdaq Helsinki, Boreo’s Articles of Association, and the charters of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board Committees. Boreo also complies with the Finnish Corporate Governance Code 2020 issued by the Securities Market Association on January 1, 2020 in line with the Comply or Explain Principle.

The Finnish Corporate Governance Code is publicly available on the Securities Market Association’s website at

In connection with its financial statements and annual report, the company publishes a report of Boreo's corporate governance in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code for each financial period. The report is available in PDF format. The report is not updated during the financial period. Up-to-date information on corporate governance is available on this site.

Corporate Governance Statement 2023

Articles of Association

Boreo Plc’s Articles of Association are available in Finnish in PDF format.

Boreo's Articles of Association in Finnish


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