
Investors > Boreo Series

Boreo Series

First version of Boreo’s operating manual – Boreo Book – serving as the backbone for future development of the firm

Following the systematic development work done on our business and operating model since 2020, we were glad to finalize in June the version 1.0 of our operating manual – Boreo Book. The Book discusses the core elements of our crystallized philosophy: sustainable long-term profit generation – decentralization, capital allocation and long-term view. The finalization of the Book marks an important milestone for us as with its content we consider having been able to arrive into a simple enough of a framework that will serve as the foundation for the building of Boreo for many years to come.

For purpose of communication of contents of the Book and our philosophy in general, we have launched a series of writings related to factors relevant to long-term development of the firm. With the launch of this series, labelled as the ‘Boreo Series’, we aim to provide our stakeholders with additional insight to the fundamental philosophy used in the development of the Group, our companies and people.

Our target is to publish a new Series writing every quarter, taking into consideration resource allocation priorities. The writings will be published in English at our website and social media channels.